Author: Usama Amin

Usama Amin is a Security blogger focusing on Cyber Security, Cloud Security, and IoT. He has worked as SR. Security Consultant for more than 10 years for industry-leading IT companies. Usama's experience also includes working as a legal expert witness for Cyber management. He writes about industry technology trends and best practices. He incorporates his views and his many years of experience to provide unique technology advice for people that manage and support Cyber solutions.

If your organization is preparing for a cyber security audit, we recommend that you read on for best practices to optimize the value of the audit. Third-party external audits can be expensive, so it’s best to be as prepared as possible by following these best practices. What is a cyber security audit? A cybersecurity audit is a method that verifies that your company has security policies in place to address all possible risks. Internal staff may conduct an audit to prepare for an external organization. If your organization is subject to regulatory requirements, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation…

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Cyber ​​protection is the integration of data protection and cyber security, a necessity for secure business operations in today’s cyber threat landscape. “This image shows the relationship between cyber protection, data protection, and Cyber ​​Security. Cyber ​​Security and Data Protection are a part of an all-in-one Cyber ​​Protection solution” In the modern world, businesses face a variety of threats to digital data and operations. These risks can be internal, caused by employees or contractors, or external, caused by cybercriminals, nation-states, or even your own customers. They can be deliberate acts of espionage, disruption, or theft, or accidental acts of negligence and…

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Murphy has two laws, and both apply to IT risk management. “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong” is Murphy’s first law, which is considered accurate because, given enough time, there is a high probability that something will go wrong. You must be prepared for anything! Murphy’s second law states that “nothing is as easy as it seems, ” which is also true when managing business risk. These are why companies turn to a Managed Service Provider (MSP) to help them identify, assess, prioritize, and remediate risks. If you’re an MSP, read on to find out how you can…

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According to recent studies, cybercriminals use social engineering techniques to drive 98% of cyberattacks, making this a significant talking point for businesses and users. If your organization is a Managed Service Provider (MSP), read on to find out how social engineering works and what you can do to help your customers protect their business from attack. Social Engineering statistics 98% of cyber-attacks are based on social engineering. 43% of IT professionals said social engineering schemes had targeted them in the past year. 21% of current or former employees use social engineering for financial advantage, revenge, curiosity, or fun. 43% of…

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Accentuated by the health context, cyberattacks are increasingly regular and feared by companies. And this, regardless of their size (VSE, SME, or large group). Indeed, no one is immune to a criminal attack, and the consequences of the latter can be economically and socially disastrous. It is, therefore, essential to protect yourself against the risk of attacks if you want to gain peace of mind and competitiveness in the market. Signing up for cyber insurance is one of the solutions available to you. How does this insurance contract work? What does it cover, and how do you include it in…

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More data and applications are moving to the cloud. However, this creates several unique information security challenges. So, here are the top security threats companies face when using cloud services. Identity and access issues top the list of concerns for IT professionals. At least that’s what the annual report Top Threats to Cloud Computing: The Pandemic 11 by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), released in 2022, says. – CSA Global Research President John Yeoh. “This year, they weren’t even in the top 11.” “What that tells me is that the cloud client is getting much smarter, ” says Yeoh. “They are moving…

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Credit card fraud is one of the most relevant security problems we can suffer on the Internet. Although we take preventive measures, millions of threats can steal our bank accounts. Next, we will give you some keys to detect card fraud in time after making purchases online. DETECT CREDIT CARD FRAUD EARLY We usually make purchases online, thinking it will be impossible for our cards to be stolen, but it can happen. So, it is better to be forewarned and know how to act to detect any fraud. BANK APP NOTIFICATION  Getting your bank’s app on your phone and turning on…

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One of the main threats that can be found on the Internet is SQL injection attacks, which are based on existing web vulnerabilities. We often think cyber-attacks occur directly on our accounts when they send us a malicious email or manage to steal data that we provide, but the reality is that the Internet is full of risks.  WHAT ARE SQL INJECTION ATTACKS? Cybercriminals using SQL injection attacks take advantage of any existing vulnerability on a web page to inject malicious code.  This code is entered into SQL (Structure Query Language) databases, a specific language used in programming, to compromise the security and privacy of…

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Все аудиосообщения в приложении сразу исчезают, поэтому прослушать их можно только в реальном времени. Пользователи сети активно обсуждают новую и молодую соцсесть Clubhouse, её популярность растет с каждым днем, а количество новых пользователей увеличивается с огромной скоростью. Несмотря на то, что попасть сюда можно только по приглашению, Clubhouse уже вошел в десятку самых скачиваемых приложений clubhouse это в России.

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In recent months, a new concept has emerged in terms of cybersecurity. This notion has gained importance with the latest events and the start of confinement. This new approach is called “Zero Trust.” Many people tell you about the merits of this approach, but what exactly is it? HISTORICAL REVIEW: In most companies, security managers have created trusted zones from which trusted users using trusted equipment can connect to the company’s information system. In general, the trusted zones correspond to the physical sites of companies. Similarly, the equipment used by the company’s employees is owned by the company. Consequently, securing…

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