Author: Usama Amin

Usama Amin is a Security blogger focusing on Cyber Security, Cloud Security, and IoT. He has worked as SR. Security Consultant for more than 10 years for industry-leading IT companies. Usama's experience also includes working as a legal expert witness for Cyber management. He writes about industry technology trends and best practices. He incorporates his views and his many years of experience to provide unique technology advice for people that manage and support Cyber solutions.

Organizations of all sizes can fall victim to modern cybersecurity threats. A malicious actor may have several motives for carrying out an attack, the most common being financial gain. Depending on the company’s disaster recovery policy, a cyberattack can significantly impact business continuity, revenue streams, and customer trust. Monitoring and studying the evolution of cyber threats is essential for a better cybersecurity strategy. This article will discuss the most common types of cyber threats, threat actors’ techniques for infiltrating enterprise networks, and best practices for improving enterprise defenses. What are cyber threats? Cyber ​​threats refer to any potentially malicious attack that aims…

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What is data recovery software? Living in today’s realm of modern technology, data is of immense importance and serves as the backbone of our personal and professional lives. However, with the increasing reliance on digital storage, the risk of data loss has also skyrocketed. Accidental file deletion, hardware failures, system crashes, and malicious attacks can erase valuable information in the blink of an eye. In such extreme situations, data recovery software emerges as a ray of hope, capable of recovering lost data and restoring files from various storage media, including external storage devices. Unraveling the essence of data recovery software: Data recovery software…

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What is Data Migration? Data migration is the process of transferring data between different data formats, storage systems, or computer systems. Organizations may initiate a data migration process for several reasons: To replace or upgrade servers or storage infrastructure To move on-premises infrastructure to cloud-based platforms To move data between third-party cloud services (cloud data migration) To carry out infrastructure maintenance To consolidate websites To migrate databases or applications To move data during a data center relocation or merger To install software updates The data migration process requires data preparation, extraction, and transformation following a customized plan based on the…

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What is managed cloud backup? Managed cloud backup allows data, systems, and applications to be backed up on an organization’s servers and stored off-site, remotely in a data center, or in “the cloud.” This approach is part of the ideal 3-2-1 backup rule: create three copies of your data, store (at least) two copies on different types of media, and ensure that one of these copies is stored off-site. By harnessing the power of cloud backup, organizations ensure that if something happens to a local copy of their data (on-premises backups), it can still be recovered and run smoothly. until systems are…

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Why artificial intelligence and machine learning complicate ransomware protection Ransomware is a universal risk to which all companies are exposed, regardless of their size, sector, or country. It’s bad news, but the worst thing is that the threats are growing in complexity, sophistication, and scale. Cybercriminals continually develop new tactics and employ new technologies to improve the effectiveness of their attacks. According to the Gartner Cyber ​​Threat Report, in 2022, 30.6% of all messages received were spam, and 1.6% contained malware or phishing links. Phishing was the vector used in 76% of all successful attacks, and approximately 8% of endpoints attempted…

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What is DNS security? Domain Name System (DNS) security refers to the technique of defending DNS infrastructure against cyber attacks. It ensures that your DNS infrastructure is operating efficiently and reliably. This requires establishing redundant DNS servers, using security technologies such as Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC), and mandating strict DNS registration.  A DNS is a collection of domain names and their associated IP addresses. It is often compared to a telephone directory, which connects people’s names to their telephone numbers. Similarly, a DNS ensures that a browser understands that when a user types into the URL bar, for example, they are sent to the…

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IP surveillance is changing. This is due to the evolution from simple sequential image streams to applying AI to video. However, it is also driven by the increasing migration to the use of the cloud. What is IP Surveillance? Images identify suspicious movements. However, they can also show faulty machines and unexpected situations. Therefore, IP surveillance is very important for the industry. From there, you can control the video camera from any IP network. This is the case of LAN, Intranet, or Internet. However, it is also possible to install the IP camera with conventional wires ( network cable ) for audio and video streaming. Wireless technology with encryption is also compatible with…

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Multi cloud management tools promise to bring order, control, and insight to disparate environments. As companies pile more cloud activity onto platforms, many IT and network managers feel overwhelmed. After all, each cloud provider comes with its own set of tools, rules, and user demands. However, in a multi cloud environment, this complicated mix quickly leads companies into a pit of complexity, confusion, and cost. Fortunately, there are several vendors offering multi cloud management tools designed to bring order, control, and insight to data centers that handle multiple cloud services. IBM, BMC Software, Cisco, Dell Technologies Cloud, DXC Technology, VMware, HyperGrid, and Divvycloud are…

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Data engineers and data architects are in high demand these days. And there are some IT certifications that can give you a competitive advantage. Nowadays, data and big data analytics are the lifeblood of any successful business. However, getting the technology right can be a challenge. However, building the right team with the right IT certifications to undertake big data initiatives can be even more difficult. Therefore, successfully implementing big data initiatives requires more than data scientists and data analysts. After all, it requires data architects to design the “blueprint” for your enterprise data management framework. This way, data engineers can build such a…

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In this article, you will find out everything about the impacts of generative AI on data centers. Part I – The models Generative AI looks set to change the way we work, create and live. Governments, companies, and individuals are struggling with what this means for the economy and our species, but we struggle because we simply don’t know what AI will be capable of or the costs and benefits of applying it. Behind this transformation is a deeper story of major changes in computing architectures, network topologies, and data center design. Deploying the enormous computing resources these systems require could change…

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