Table of Contents
To make things easy and avoid any disappointments, we have a few editorial guidelines that we need all contributors to follow.
- Length: Your article should be at least 800 words long.
- Exclusivity: Your article must be completely unique, and we will check for plagiarism before publishing it. You also shouldn’t publish the article anywhere else, before or after you submit it to us.
- Images: Including visuals like images and infographics is always helpful in engaging our readers. But please make sure any images you supply are free of copyright and include a link to the original source. Any infographics should also cite data sources.
- Links to external, authoritative sites are encouraged. You may include one link to your own domain, as long as it is relevant to the context and not directly sales-related.
- Use subheadings and bullet points to break up the text, and avoid lengthy paragraphs.
- Our readership consists of all kinds of people, but articles are generally targeted toward management-level roles in small-medium-sized businesses. Keep this audience in mind when sharing advice.
- Our readers will also vary a lot in terms of their technical knowledge. If you mention a technical term, don’t assume it will be understood. Similarly, if you use acronyms, make sure to break down what they stand for in brackets.
- Written work should not be self-promotional. Instead, focus on offering practical advice and sharing interesting insights to help our readers.
- Spelling and Grammar: Please proofread all articles before submission and check for grammatical and spelling errors.
Please note we reserve the right to edit any submissions but we will gladly run the final piece by you before publication so you can confirm you’re happy with it.
What Kind Of Topics Are We Looking For?
In general, we will consider any subject relating to cyber security and IT. Here are a few common topic areas you might cover in an article that you write for us:
- Social engineering
- Password security
- Mobile Device Security.
- Cloud Security.
- Artificial intelligence
- Malware and ransomware
- Cyber attacks/data breaches
- Internet of Things
- Remote working
- Cyber insurance
- Data protection
- Online Privacy
- Technology
Make sure to have a look through the blog so you don’t pitch an idea that’s already been written about previously.
How To Submit:
If you have an article to share or any questions about “write for us cybersecurity,” “cyber security write for us,” or “write for us security,” reach out to us at [email protected].
For faster communication, you can also WhatsApp us at +923001417173.
When submitting, please include:
- Your name/author bio and credibility details
- The name of your company or affiliation
- 1-3 article ideas you’d like us to consider
- Any previous writing samples (not mandatory, but appreciated)
We charge $800 per published article, or you can submit free if it’s verified AI-free.
We look forward to your contribution and can’t wait to see how you’ll help inform and inspire our community!